The unmodified Trail Camera has a detection range of between 60 – 80ft. I marker was placed at 60ft to show where an average trail camera would trigger.This picture was triggered with the the WilliamsRDM Eye Patch accessory, the factory motion detector was covered. The Deer to the left are about 200ft. They would not have triggered the camera with out the eyepatch. Triggering the camera at a longer distance allows for one picture to get more information in one shot. In this picture we can see deer to the left and a critter to the right by the feeder. Had the camera triggered with an animal at 60ft, that animal would have taken more of the frame and not allowed for the larger picture view.In addition to the marking the 60ft distance, the post in the center of the shot has a remote IR flash installed, this remote IR Flash is an additional WilliamsRDM accessory that allows night time pictures to be covertly illuminated with IR Light. With this accessory, night time and day time pictures have similar scenes. The Remote IR Flash detects the flash from the trail camera and almost instantly turns on its IR flood light. Both Lights, the trail camera’s flash and the IR flood Light are invisible to the naked eye. The remote IR flash then illuminates the area giving a visibility a lot closer to daylight picture than with the trail camera and its factory flash. Although the remote IR flash is bright in the picture, it is important to remember that this light is in the infrared spectrum, It is actually invisible to the human eye.Taking Pictures of subjects at such a long distance allows for a better understanding of the situation and environment and it also allows for multiple pictures to be taken of the subject. The camera being triggered at such a distance also has the benefit of camouflage. Cameras no longer need to be mounted in close proximity to the subject (to make use of their motion detection sensor). Since they are remotely triggered and optionally enhanced with IR flashes, camera can be mounted at a distance and even elevated on trees and on top of buildings. You are not longer limited by the camera’s motion detection range or flash brightness at night.A very nice picture that this camera would have missed if the remote trigger was not installed on the factory camera.