When we created the START sensor Network, we understood that any perimeter security system needed to be covert. Our Covert System line of products were created to help with the deployment of the START system, but were designed to used with any system. Covert solar panels can power trail/game cameras and sensor systems, Camo Wrapz help hide equipment in the field quickly and the Remote IR flash that can make your current camera operate better in low light and night time settings by allowing it to take more illuminated pictures. So, although these covert products were designed to work with the START system, they can benefit any existing system that you are trying to make a little more discreet.
Covert Solar Rock Camo Wrapz Remote IR Flash
WilliamsRDM Covert Systems consist of
System Deployments
In this deployment, the camera was installed inside the barrel with only the lens aligned with the hole. The camera’s Motion sensor and Flash were not needed, Those functions were taken over by the Eyepatch connected to a sensor node (behind the barrel) and the remote IR Flash (to the right of the barrel on the tree.
In this deployment, the camera was inserted into discarded backpack, the sensor node antenna can be seen in the back while the IR flash is on the ground, tilted up to the right of the back pack.
The antenna of a sensor node can barely be seen, it is one end of an RF trip wire used to trigger a camera. The antenna is about halfway down the tallest log in the picture. The sensor node (not in the picture) is on the base to the log while the solar rock wired out to a clearing (also not in the picture).